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Viking Occupations in Old Norse

Many Viking Age re-enactment groups urge their members to select a time and location for their own portrayal.  Even better, some re-enactors adopt a particular occupation or role in Scandinavian society of the selected period.  Below is a list of occupations and the Old Norse translations of them.  Please note that although most Old Norse base words used below were taken directly from the sagas, some of the occupation titles were derived from appropriate words, but may not have been used exactly as shown.  The Old Norse words are shown beginning with capitals, but no capitalization was used in Old Norse a milennium ago.  Administrative titles are shown first with some suggested Old Norse translations.

"Man" in Old Norse was "maðr", usually, and "woman" was "kveinn", also usually.  Substitutions by gender can be made in the titles shown as needed.  Suggestions and additions are encouraged:

Viking Occupations in Old Norse

Occupation/Role Old Norse
President, Group Leader Foringi (Captain, commander, leader) or
(Chief, chieftain, priest) or
Hertogi (Duke, commander) or
Hǫfðingi (Captain, leader, chieftain, chief) or
Jarl (Earl, gentleman)
Vice President Formaðr (foreman)
Authenticity Officer Búnaðrmaðr (equipment man) or Reiðirmaðr (tackle, gear, harness man) or Lögsögumaðr (law-speaker)
Treasurer Auðœfimaðr (treasure, wealth man)
Secretary Bókmaðr (book man) or Rýnstrmaðr (most skilled in rune-craft man)
Kit Nazi Búnaðrþjóðhlutskiptimaðr from búnaðr (equipment), þjóð (nation, people; race), hlutskipti (sharing of booty), maðr (man)
Alemaker Ǫlmaðr
Artist Smiðr
Authority Mannaforað
Authority, powerful man Ríkismaðr
Banner Holder, forecastle guardStafnbúi
Bard, Storyteller Skáld
Berserker, extremely strong formidable fighterBerserkr
Blacksmith Smiðr
Boatbuilder Skipsmiðr
Bodyguard (of a king or earl) Hirðmaðr
Bowman, Archer Bogimaðr
Boy Sveinn
Boy, Urchin Sveinstauli
Builder Smiðr
Captain, Commander, Leader Foringi
Captain of a ship in battleSkipstjórnarmaðr
Captain of a ship, Steersman Styrimaðr
Captain of troops in battle Sveitarhǫfðingi
Chief, King Hilmir
Commander, local Viking military commander of about 100 men, owing allegiance to a jarl or kingHersir
Companion, Host Sinni
Cook Matsveinn
Craftsman Smiðr
Crewman Skipmaðr
Dandy (lover of finery )Skartsmaðr
Debtor Skuldarmaðr
Director, Guide Visamaðr
Earl, Chieftain, Gentleman Jarl
Foreman Yfirmaðr
Girl, little girl Meyla
Home Guard, personal armed companion, mercenaryHirðmaðr
Huntsman Veiðimaðr
King Konungr
King, Prince Jǫfurr
Lady Svanni
Lawman Lǫgmaðr
Leader, Overseer Forstjóri
Maiden, Young Girl Mær
Maidservant, Handmaid, Bondwoman Ambátt
Mailmaker Brynjasmiðr
Man Maðr
Man (a good man), Freeman, Servant Þegn
Man, of little power or significance Smámaðr
Man, of rank, big man Stórmaðr
Mead Maker Mjöðrmaðr
Nothing, person without honorNiðingr
Poet Skáld
Prophetess, Sibyl Spákona
Raider, VikingVíkingr
Rune Carver (master)Rýnstrmaðr
Seafarer, Viking Flotnar
Sea King, powerful naval, but landless, leaderSækonungr
Seaman, Sailor, Merchant, Trader Farmaðr
Seeress, Sybil, Prophetess, Witch Völva
Servant Sveinn
Sewing Woman Saumakvenn
Sheepherder Smalimaðr
Sailingmaster Skipförmaðr or Skipari
Smith Smiðr
Sorceress Siðasveinn
War Chief, Lord, leader of the host Drótinn
Warrior, bold man Drengr
Warrior Jorufægir
Warrior Orrostumaðr (Battle-Man) or Sverðfreyr (Sword-Frey)
Weaving Woman Vefrkvenn
Wife Víf
Wood Cutter, Wood Whittler, Tree Feller Trételgja

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