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The Vikings of Bjornstad

Bjornstad on Film
And a lot of other digital media...

When NASA Ames Research Center needed Vikings for its publicity campaign for a new generation of exploration-oriented satellites, when Norwegian Public Television wanted recommendations for the best three Viking Movies, or when the History Channel wanted to film documentaries about the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD, they turned to The Vikings of Bjornstad. We've been cast as Vikings, Normans and even hobgoblins for independent and student films. We've provided authentic sound effects and historical research for major motion pictures.  We've populated a castle for professional photographers.  We've performed in plays at cultural events - some of which we've written. Here's a look at The Vikings of Bjornstad on film - and on stage.

The Norman Film

Dinner: Impossible

The History Channel: Command Decisions - Hastings 1066

The History Channel: Conquerors - William the Conqueror

Norwegian Television

The Declaration of Arbroath


Castello di Amorosa 1

Castello di Amorosa 2

Conan - The Frost Giant's Daughter

The Wedding of Somerled and Ragnhild

The Thor Interview - The Electric Playground


The Epic of Wayhelm

Filming Bjornstad

Filming Conquerors, Los Angeles, CA (© Jack Garrett)

Filming for Filmbonanza, Norwegian Public Television, Oakland, CA (© Jack Garrett)

  © For information contact Jack Garrett at