Bjornstad Logo
The Vikings of Bjornstad

Scottish Highland Gathering and Games
Pleasanton, California
This event is one of the largest Scottish games events in the world. The Caledonian Club has put on the games since 1865.  Held in Pleasanton, California, about 50,000 guests attend each year.  Usually our largest show of the year.  Photos by Melinda Hughes-Berland, Ed Berland and Colin Adams.

The Vikings of Bjornstad - contributing to Scottish history

Bjornstad arms and armor

Our display of Norse culture continues to grow

There goes the neighborhood

The Vikings launch a surprise attack on the Scots

The Scots organize and move forward

The clan chief, Diarmid Campbell (Richard Brown), is the lone casualty.  We think he died of shock.

Brian handles the archery portion of The Viking Art of War

Brian simulates an arrow launch.  Kay simulates gravity.

Colin demonstrates his leatherworking skills

Another visitor gets the full experience

Annie and Tory get ready to talk about Viking culture

Justin gives posing his dramatic best

Charlie interviews Henrik for his book on learning history from re-enacting.

Kay - on a mission

Brian and Ed losing a battle with a hauberk. 
(Photo from the Contra Costa Times.)

Annie, Tory and Kay take advantage of the shade

Charlie plays the sax

Brian makes a point

Henrik, with an axe to grind

Rick, looking for a bridge to defend

Charlie the Viking warrior

Douglas educates the crowd

Swords, shields - and an axe

Eagle and raven

Henrik and Ed provide a little combat

Douglas, the Viking trader, makes a deal

Bjornstad in a quiet moment

Charlie joins The Viking Art of War to talk about the sax

Kite shields

Round shields

Fred stands sentry

Justin - triumphant

Rick vs. the shield wall

Ed mourns his fallen comrades

Fred, Brian and Steve watch the action

Jack and Ed discuss the events of the day

Brian surveys the middle distance

Ed's ready for his closeup

Douglas, relaxed

Annie brought her axe

Kay and Tory enjoy the games

Jack gets ready for battle

Steve and Henrik display their kite shields

Viking era helmets: Ocular and Wenceslaus types

A well-armed group

Barbarians at the gates

Ed and Steve - spearmen

Ed stands ready
  © For information contact Jack Garrett at