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The Vikings of Bjornstad

Conan the Barbarian - The Frost Giant's Daughter
The Vikings of Bjornstad on Film
The clangor of the swords had died away, the shouting of the slaughter was hushed; silence lay on the red-stained snow. The bleak pale sun that glittered so blindingly from the ice-fields and the snow-covered plains struck sheens of silver from rent corselet and broken blade, where the dead lay as they had fallen. The nerveless hand yet gripped the broken hilt; helmeted heads back-drawn in the death-throes, tilted red beards and golden beards grimly upward, as if in last invocation to Ymir the frost-giant, god of a warrior-race..."

— Robert E. Howard, "The Frost-Giant's Daughter"

Poster by Ed Berland
A barbarian warrior, the lone survivor of a fierce battle, is seduced by a snow goddess and nearly loses his soul. Was it a dream after all?

Robert E. Howard was a writer in depression-era Texas. In 1932, he conceived of Conan of Cimmeria, "the damnedest bastard that ever was", and followed his iconic barbarian through weird and blood-stained adventures in the Hyborian Age.

Fans of REH and Conan don't need to be told this. They also don't need to be reminded of Conan's frustrating struggle with Hollywood to get his story told. From John Milius' 1982 film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger to the current "reboot" starring Jason Momoa, filmmakers have sneered at Howard’s original stories, themes and even at the essential character of the barbarian, Conan.

This is where that stops. This is where the fans take control of the film-making and show how one of Howard’s original stories can be translated into an exciting movie.

We will film in the Sierra Nevada mountains in the winter, not far from the infamous Donner Pass, scene of legendary pioneer cannibalism.

In order to attract the best actors, and bring forth the best in this story through reasonable production quality, we'll need some contributions from Conan's most dedicated fans.

- Douglas Sunlin, 2011

The Frost Giant's Daughter is available on Vimeo:

And here's a link to the film project:

David Atwood is Heimdal and William McMichael is Conan the Cimmerian.

Photo by Ed Berland

Douglas Sunlin, the Director, and Eddie Keen, the Director of Photography, set up the battle between Heimdal and Conan.

Photo by Jack Garrett

It takes a while to get set for combat.

Photo by Ed Berland

Now it's time to fight.

Photo by Douglas Sunlin

A few outtakes from the filming of "The Frost Giant's Daughter"  

Conan and Heimdal have the field to themselves. Henrik and Jack are off to Valhalla - or maybe Niflheim.

Photo by Ed Berland

There can be only one ...

Photo by Ed Berland

Crossed swords.

Photo by Ed Berland

Heimdal's early advantage begins to slip away.

Photo by Ed Berland

Heimdal is about to get Conan's point.

Photo by Jack Garrett

Scale armor has gaps...

Photo by Ed Berland

This may leave a mark.

Photo by Ed Berland

Conan pushes his point home.

Photo by Ed Berland

It is a good day to die.

Photo by Ed Berland

The battle is won.

Photo by Jack Garrett

Conan begins to feel his wounds.

Photo by Jack Garrett

He staggers away from the dead Heimdal.

Photo by Ed Berland

Conan won't get far.

Photo by Ed Berland

The battlefield is still.

Photo by Ed Berland

Conan the Cimmerian barbarian.

Photo by Ed Berland

Heimdal arises after the battle, bloody, but unbowed.

Photo by Jack Garrett

Natalia Sofia, the Frost Giant's Daughter


If you're going to call your movie The Frost Giant's Daughter...

Photo by Douglas Sunlin

Ed joins the red beard forces.

Photo by Jack Garrett

Rick demonstrates his technique with the deadly Rebel Alliance axe.

Photo by Jack Garrett

Ed and Rick practice "menacing".

Photo by Ed Berland

After years of Viking re-enacting, Jack finally dons a horned helmet.

Photo by Ed Berland

Henrik exhibits an innovation in helmet design.

Photo by Ed Berland

The Aesirs: Gary Agid as Gorm and Jack Garrett as Niord.

Photo by Eddie Keen

Douglas Sunlin joins his cast as Horsa the Aesir.

Photo by Eddie Keen

Gorm, Horsa and Niord search for Conan in the wastes of the North.

Photo by Eddie Keen

Let's rumble.

Photo by Ed Berland

  © For information contact Jack Garrett at