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The Vikings of Bjornstad

The Vikings - A Place in History
Oakmont Sunday Symposium
Santa Rosa, California

In October, 2010, The Vikings of Bjornstad were invited to provide a seminar on the impact of the Vikings on the world today.  It was part of a series sponsored by the Oakmont Sunday Syposium that spans a wide range of philosophical, geographical and political topics.  Our seminar covered who the Vikings were, when they flourished, how they lived, and what influence they had on the world around them – and us. You can view the entire presentation (an hour and a half, including the Q & A) here: The Vikings - A Place in History.

The title slide of the seminar

Brian, Ed and Fred set up for the seminar

Jack talks about Viking culture

One of the slides addressed the forces that generated the Viking Age

Introducing the audience to the Viking spear

Ed discusses the importance of the sword

Rick covers the Dane axe

Henrik and Jack talk about the kite shield

The audience seemed to enjoy the seminar - for the most part ...

PowerPoint and Vikings - an interesting combination

Fred covers the impact of the Vikings

The group gathers for Q & A

Brian responds to a question

Fred fields one

Henrik answers a question about the differences between Norwegian, Danish and Swedish Vikings

Rick talks about Viking traders

Viking treasure, maps, tools, weapons

Our cheerful customer service staff is here to help...

There was lots of interest in our display

Brian answers a question about arrrows

Metal work

Woodwork and leatherwork

Jack, a Mammen axe reproduction and Henrik's tapestry

Cell phone etiquette in the 11th century
  © For information contact Jack Garrett at