Vikingskib Museet / Viking Ship Museum
Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo

Oslo, Norway
Summer, 2001

The Museum's Web site
The Viking Ship museum houses the Gokstad and Oseberg Viking ships, the best-preserved ships in the world from the age of the Vikings.  The Gokstad was built from trees felled about 890 AD and the Oseberg burial has been dated to about 834 AD, but the ship may have been built around the year 800. The museum also houses a wide array of Viking artifacts, some of which were part of the Oseberg and Gokstad ship burials.  The exhibit is especially known for the many household items buried with two women, one of whom who is believed to have been a queen named Åsa. No one knows which one, however.

The Oseberg Ship

Oseberg bow carving

Deck of the Oseberg.
Note there are no rowing benches.

Side of the Oseberg ship.
Note how little freeboard there is.
This is not an ocean-going vessel.

The Oseberg steering oar

Oar racks


The surprisingly modern-looking Oseberg anchor

The Gokstad Ship

Deck of the Gokstad. Note the higher freeboard - and no rowing benches.

Boats, the wooden "funeral" tent from the Gokstad's deck and a tent frame, above.

A telephoto shot of the tent frame

The Oseberg cart. Jack included for scale...

Carvings on the Oseberg cart

Wheel of the Oseberg cart

Top and bottom for a backpack

Riveted cauldron

Beautiful gold belt fittings

Bread-making "tray"

Knife, bowls and platter

Oseberg Pails

Oseberg boots - out of focus


End of the chest and yarn niddy-noddy

The only Viking saddle found to date

Another view of the saddle

  © For information contact Jack Garrett at