Regia Anglorum

For over a quarter of a century, Regia Anglorum has been re-creating history for audiences around the world. We have skilled, properly equipped and highly motivated men and women of all ages who bring the dull and dead past back to brilliant life, celebrating the very best of life in the round a thousand years ago! We have a fleet of seven full-scale ship replicas. We have a secluded permanent site with a reconstruction of an old mead hall. Regia Anglorum attempts to recreate a cross section of English life, generally around the turn of the first millennium. That said, our original self imposed brief was AD950-1066, but as the Society evolves, we do very happily take on both events and filmwork that stretch back to the time of the English Settlements and forward to the time of Richard the Lionheart and King John.  The website is here.






















  © For information contact Jack Garrett at